Competitions change from week to week, with the Monthly Medal always being an Ambrose event.
4 clubs plus a putter - Stableford
Aces (double points) & JOKERS (triple points - Stableford
Captains Pick , best 4 holes of each 9 - Stableford
Coloured ball, pairs - Stableford
Four, Three, Two TOTT - Stableford
Fourmbrose, pairs, combination of Foursomes & 2 man ambrose
Gentsomes - best 3 of 4 Stableford
Iron Man, 1 rescue club and irons only - Stableford
Multiplier, best 3 of 4 - Stableford
Odds & Evens, best 3 of 4 - Stableford
Roll The Dice, best 3 of 4 - Stableford
Sainters, Red / White / Black best 3 of 4 - Stableford
Yellow Ball, double points for user of yellow ball, best 3 0f 4 - Stableford
Bombers Ambrose – Red Tee / Black Tee
Swans Stableford – Red Tee/White Tee – consolidated score (all 4 count)
Demons Ambrose – Blue Tee / Red Tee